Day One – Positive

POSITIVE – This word is a power house, simply can turn things around you, so it did for me yesterday. One would thing how?, down with fever thinking it as viral flu but for me myself and my doctors guiding me were quick to understand the current environment and my symptoms,  requested me to do Covid Test, with lot of comfort talk by family about viral flu, I was positive let me do the test and it shall be all clear, & the tests are all done, back home feeling better and now comes the result time, ping beeps my cell phone indicates You have got Mail and this isn’t the Romance of Tom hanks and Meg Ryan movie, and neither my romance with my wife, and she dropped me an email pardoning me for not gifting her on this anniversary which just went by couple of days back. I was very positive to open and was eagerly waiting first time to see Negative in bold but to my bewilderment it read in bold “Positive”.  I had 2 options either Positively accept or stress myself out with how and what and when and so on…

The most important thing I learned yesterday was ‘Empathy’, Love, Care & Support by my family members and each and every members of my Evita Empress Society, the Positive Affirmation which they infused in me and I felt like I am already feeling better, it is truly said to overcome our negative thoughts you need to be around Positive Environment for the betterment and they all have filled my treasure box with Positive Diamonds completely overturning  the Covid result, and a very very special thanks to                                            

Dr R.K.Baxi uncle and Dr Sujeet Rajan, they are like God to me, with there simple motivating words and continuous guidance it has helped me gain in confidence in this hour, and I would also like to thank a lady at Bombay hospital who took my blood test, she was pregnant and was working and trying to see we all are safe.  A big heart salute to each one working tirelessly.

The second most thing I learned is with Positive Affirmation, if we close our doors to negativity around us or the things which can disturb us and positively see the goodness around us and move forward…..

To be continued tomorrow…… ( Day 2)

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